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December 12, 2023
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Introducing the Web3Inbox SDK
TL;DR: The long-anticipated Web3Inbox SDK is currently in beta, so we figured it’s high time we dive into the details and run through everything you need to know to give your users a next-level web3 communication experience.

ℹ️ Please Note: Updated Product Names

As part of our ongoing commitment to streamline and enhance our offerings, all previously mentioned products in this post now fall under AppKit or WalletKit. This update reflects our latest advancements and unifies our product suite for better user experience. Please refer to our current documentation for the most accurate information.

We can do much within a web3 ecosystem today — like trading digital art, voting on a community proposal, and plenty more. But, when it comes to communicating with traders, communities, and just about anyone in web3, for some reason, we web3-natives divert right back to web2 platforms — and seem OK with doing it.

It’s not our fault, though. For far too long, we simply haven’t had the right foundations in place for human-readable web3 messages to seamlessly work at scale. And that’s exactly why we built Web3Inbox.

Builders, it’s time to ditch the Telegram-only updates, wave goodbye to spam folders, and actually capture your users in real-time in web3, with the Web3Inbox SDK.

What is the Web3Inbox SDK?

The Web3Inbox SDK is the messaging toolkit that powers web3 communications for apps, wallets, and users, so that we can explore a world of messaging that actually exists in web3.

Apps can implement the Web3Inbox SDK to engage their users like never before and reach their community right across the ecosystem with meaningful notifications. In addition, wallets can leverage the Notify API within the Web3Wallet SDK, already used by 500+ wallets, to enrich their own user experience by providing their communities with direct access to critical and powerful updates from their favorite apps.

For users, that means one web3 identity that packs the power of true connectivity for them wherever they are, whatever platform they use, on whichever device they prefer.

Better user experience, better developer experience

With in-app notifications, wallet notifications, and (soon) direct notifications via the Web3Inbox app, Web3Inbox takes “all-in-one” to a whole new level — giving both users and apps an essential communication point, flexible to the demands and needs of today’s world.

Built for users

Users are the pulse of web3, and it’s critical to us that the experiences we build truly cater to their needs. That’s why the Web3Inbox SDK puts your community in the driving seat of their own experience with user-first features, like:

  • Instant updates from their favorite apps 24–7 to ensure they never miss a beat
  • Their web3 world at their fingertips with push notifications from apps straight to their phone via participating wallets and — soon — the Web3Inbox app
  • Subscription control, user-defined settings, and spam-free messaging built-in to ensure they only hear from the apps they love on the things they care about

User-defined settings for optimized user-owned experiences

Built for developers

While users may be the pulse of web3, developers are the backbone — and the Web3Inbox SDK has been built with that in mind.

App builders can use the drop-in SDK to easily enable notifications, as well as enjoy:

  • Customized notification types and interfaces
  • Clickable notification links for stronger calls-to-action
  • Notifications history and overview of sent notifications
  • React hooks for an even easier integration
  • Handy configuration tools right within the WalletConnect Cloud

PancakeSwap’s in-app notifications

For wallets, the Notify API can be easily accessed for any project using the Web3Wallet SDK, allowing them to unlock a world of web3 messaging — right within their wallet.

Thanks to Web3Inbox’s user-centric approach, wallets can offer their users ultimate control over their experience interacting with selected apps through their wallet. With an in-wallet Discover dashboard displaying available app subscriptions, wallets that integrate Notify API have the opportunity to really ramp up their offering to become the gateway to web3.

And, that’s just for now. We’ve got plenty more features in the works — like unread tags and analytics — to help you build real, authentic, web3-native interactions with your community.

The Web3Inbox app — all your messages, in one place

The Web3Inbox app enables users to access their web3 world — all on their terms, all in one place, all of the time. Through a single, sleek dashboard, users can subscribe to notifications from multiple apps and communities and experience a headache-free, web3-first messaging experience that keeps them in control.

The Web3Inbox app

The Web3Inbox app is due to be released in early 2024. Join thousands others on the waitlist ready and waiting for a radically better web3 messaging experience here.

How to get started with the Web3Inbox SDK

The Web3Inbox SDK is currently in beta and available in JavaScript, Kotlin, and Swift.

You can dive into the docs to find out more or head to the WalletConnect Cloud to get started. At the moment, the Web3Inbox SDK supports EOAs on all EVM chains — keep a look out for the support of smart contract wallets and additional chains in the future, or feel free to shoot some suggestions our way.

For wallets, the Notify API is available in Kotlin, Swift, and React Native. To learn more, head to the docs — or get started right away on the WalletConnect Cloud.

What’s coming next?

With apps like PancakeSwap having officially launched their own in-app notifications with the Web3Inbox SDK and the Web3Inbox app just around the corner, it’s safe to say things are heating up for Web3Inbox — but we’re just getting started.

At its core, Web3Inbox exists to bring better communication channels to web3, and we’re hyped for a future where this experience is a part of every major wallet.

For more information about the Web3Inbox SDK or to catch up with the team and learn more about our roadmap and how we can support your journey, head here.

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